What is love?
What is love? Is love just a feeling? Or is it something we can touch and see? The following is not the result of any scientific study or phony surveys, whatever I have written below is from my personal experience and thoughts.
I define love as a feeling. It has scientific explanation too. Love is a feeling of happiness, a happiness that arises when you see someone, do something or eat something. And let me tell you, everything is from the brain, there is nothing called heart involved in the scientific version of love. Well, basically your heart cannot think, it is just a muscle (a pretty strong one) which has some fixed number of beats keyed into it and it involuntarily beats and supplies oxy-rich blood to all parts of the body. It has nothing to do with feelings and all. It is the brain that does the magic, like any other feeling, brain develops the feeling of love. All these debates about wars of head and heart is just a fiction, everything is in the brain. Just that it has a logical thinking and a illogical one. All that is illogical is said to be taken by the heart, and all that is logical is for the head. So, you see, the heart never thinks or feels, it is your brain, got it?
Being in love releases some good hormones in the blood stream which makes you happy or happier than you are actually. And when this happens, you involuntarily get attracted to someone, and then start dreaming and build castles in the air. Sometimes this castles become real, and sometimes they just disappear in the air where it came from. Some people say eating chocolates also releases the same hormones. So, next time you miss someone, try eating some chocolates.
Does love hurt? It sure does. As soon as the brain realizes the fact that this feeling of happiness is temporary, the castles start fading away. The feeling of happiness is replaced by the feeling of gloom and depression. And everyone knows, human mind is more complex than the Universe, so it can react in different ways. Some people turn aggressive, some turn benign and some don’t change, or they don’t show any difference in their behavior when this happens.
Am I in love? Yes, I am. Otherwise I won’t be writing this piece, isn’t it? I have been in love since many years. It has grown stronger and stronger over the years. You really cannot describe in words how it actually feels, but few things help, like, you feel happy when the person is around, you always look for the person when you are upset, you always miss the person, you think about the person in your free time, and you wish the person was always there with you. You get a different feeling when you touch the person, the very presence makes a difference. When silence also speaks volumes, you are definitely in love. That doesn’t mean you like the person’s every activity, you fight, you make up, you criticize, you correct, and love flows.
And I definitely know how it feels to lose someone you love. So, I have loved and lost, but I am sure that won’t deter me from loving, because I know it is the best feeling in the world. As someone said that I like very few people, but whom I like, I like forever, whatever happens. Same is true for the people I love; I will love them forever...